Why I play the Piano

The question is WHY NOT? I am always asked if playing the piano is worth learning, is it possible to achieve anything? is it a suitable hobby? Or something which children endure rather like maths in school!
Picture resource: http://www.saiedmusic.com/

There are so many reasons why both adults and children benefit from learning an instrument, particularly the piano. Here are my top 4 reasons and I hope it encourages you to learn the piano!

1. Music brings happiness
It really is very central to our lives. Never a day that goes by without me turning on the music, whether I am studying, relaxing or even waiting for my food to be cooked! It is important to be given the chance to make music because it can give us an emotional and creative outlet.

2. The Piano provides both melody and harmony
The piano can be played solo without any accompaniment. This is not the case with many other musical instrument such as the clarinet, violin which only produce on line, usually the melody line, so an accompaniment is always needed

3. Requires an amount of co-ordination
I would say that mastering the piano really requires a tremendous amount of co-ordination, which means that you really do have to multi task! this can cultivate many useful mental skills and it really focuses on the mind.

4. You are happier
One thing I am sure of after playing the piano is that I am calm and happier than I was before. It is also proven that children and adults who take part in musical activities are happier and more sociable that those who don't. :)



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