Why I Love Cooking

My interest in cooking sparked when I started to live independently as a university student. To be honest, I never had much affinity to cooking or making something complicated from scratch. The most I ever cook was the infamously instant noodles through microwave if that was even considered cooking. Today, I have learned and critiqued my own dishes that I made and its really something now compared to back then where stir fry was more of like being boiled LOL. Not to mention the countless times where I cut myself and puzzled on how to actually even prepare and dice a chicken.

Most of my recipes come from my mom and my on research from the Internet. Trust me; if you are ever puzzled on how to cook something, Internet's a great place 😁. I can cook quite a handful of Malaysian dishes with my own twist to my taste, a few Jap dishes, pizza and pasta as well as making cookies too 😆.

I love cooking as I am a huge FOODIE. I love eating good and tasty food whilst being a jerk to nasty ones. Cooking also helps in building me as a better person as it improves my patience ( COOKING TAKES FOREVER ) and creativity ( USING WEIRD combinations of pans cause I am a student and cant afford proper utensils LOL). But the most apparent reason is; I am a cheap student whom just can't afford eating out often 😝.

A little snippets on my successful dishes:

The Classic Chinese Fried Rice LOL
All time favourite Malaysian Curry

My favourite sites to learn dishes from:

Simple and easy hearty dishes from noobcook.

A more complex and cooking techniques from professional @ bonappetit 

Stay tuned for more.
-Chun Ho-


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