Why I Love MOBA

MOBA simply known as multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) which is a genre of strategy video game. It is a game where complex strategies are played out during a game to challenge another team of similar people in determining objectives that are present such as taking down towers and ultimately the fort behind it. Its probably gonna be something as complex as this :

Woah, what, how is that even fun; nah just kidding 😝.

Such example of these games that I played and classified into MOBA is DOTA2, Heroes of the Storm and Civilization VI. I do enjoy these games as they are not only challenging to my mind but tests my ability to react to sticky and messy situation when a fight breaks out. It tests my capability to translate the grasp of the situation into something easier for me to take advantage of the small opportunity to enable my team to survive and win the game.

Apart from that, I absolutely enjoy teamwork within my team. Gotta say there are times when I kinda flipped when things do not go as planned. However, I do see the potential of MOBA in improving teamwork and a lil interpersonal communication as one do need to communicate easily and efficiently in a team game.

Here's a link of what a major game company; VALVE in making a documentary about professional players out there.


Even what more surprising is MOBA games are even incorporated into handheld devices. The nature of the game complexity are usually only run on computers till recently where mobile devices started to be able to support these complex games. Such example would be Vainglory, here's a video on it by the developer themselves:


That's all for now peeps. I will probably do a more specific gaming updates/review later on. 😀

Stay tuned !

- Chun Ho -



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